2026 1 and Done - 1 Car of everything we list on our website

2026 1 and Done - 1 Car of everything we list on our website SALE

House of Diecast Cars

$2,887.51 $7,218.78

We got so many requests for something like this, we figured, OK, lets offer it. Its a pretty crazy and cool idea, but that is what this membership site has always been about. For 20 years we have been thinking outside of the box, and here is the chance to grab something like it.

This comes with FREE Expedite shipping. That means within 7 days of release to us, it will ship. Guaranteed or you will get a chase piece for free. Each time. If it is late.

We list over $20,000 worth of cars a month on our site. How about if you could just get one of each car listed each month, for one low price, one really low price, shipped directly to you. Max of 75 people. The ones you like, you keep, the ones you don't you can sell or trade or gift, and then you have your Gold Card or Yearly Membership if you want to buy more

You will be guaranteed to receive 1 of every single car, exclusive, set, whatever it is we post for sale starting January 1st - December 31st 2026. NOTHING posted on the website will be exempt.

We hope you enjoy this cool experience! This is the ultimate deal machine!